Team Information

This can be changed later if needed

Teams are 2-10 members

This can be changed later if needed

Teams are 2-10 members

Has your organization competed in a UC Robotics competition previously?

We hope to match UC student mentors to each team(s), providing your team's meeting time will help us find a match if possible

Event information
Our competition utilizes the LEGO EV3/NXT and Makeblock Mbot platforms.  Themed tasks will be assigned for the Robot To complete.  Teams design the floor to accomplish these tasks and robot design.  New this year is Robot Sumo (video links below).  You may compete in any or all categories using either or Both platforms and any age group.  Please make sure you indicate these below.

Our Teams would like to participate in the following competition(s)
Robot Information
The University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Office of Inclusive Excellence and Community Engagement utilizes the LEGO EV3/NXT and Makeblock Mbot and Mbot Ranger robots for our competition. 
Do you currently have a Lego EV3 or NXT robot your organization will use for this competition

Do you currently have any Makeblock Mbots or Mbot Rangers

If you do not have any of the necessary robots and are in need of borrowing one please check what you need to compete with your team

list type and number requested, NOTE: Maximum of 2 as supply allows

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